Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth.
Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.
Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.
Psalm 100
Almighty God, Lord of hosts, with the Psalmist we join our hearts in thanksgiving to you for all you have done and given to us. Most especially, we thank you that you have placed you covenant name on us and made us your people. Although “all we like sheep have gone astray,” you have sought us out in your great love and brought us into your pasture through the sacrifice of the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. You graciously claim us as your own as you put your name on us in Baptism. Truly your “covenant love endures forever; your faithfulness continues through all generations.”
As we gather with friends and family around our thanksgiving tables, send your Holy Spirit to make our hearts attentive to you as the giver of all good gifts. Direct our conversations so that they bring blessing and encouragement to all who join with us. Even as we enjoy the bounty before us, make us mindful of those who have so much less. Use us to provide also for them. Set our hearts and hands and feet and voices to be instruments of your grace, mercy, peace, and provision; all in the name of Jesus. Make our service and witness winsome and compassionate so that others may know your love in the Savior through us who bare your name.
We thank you also for our nation. Bless and direct the work of our national, state, and local leaders. Protect and guide our nation so that we may live in peace; and make your saving Gospel go forth from your Church throughout the world. Guard those who diligently guard us in our military and first responders; and bring them safely home to their families and loved ones. Comfort those who grieve and provide for those who lack.
Finally, Father, we thank you that we can call you “Father” because of your dear Son, Jesus Christ. It is by his death on the cross that our sins are forgiven; and it is by his triumphant resurrection that we are given new life, now and forever. Continue to shape our individual lives and the congregations of our Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod into the likeness of your Son. Empower us by your Spirit to “Worship the LORD with gladness; and come before him with joyful songs!” Make us ever to “know that you (the LORD) are God; and it is you who has made us, and that we are yours!” Make your Gospel be our constant refrain as we “gather in your courts with praise” and as we make your name known throughout the earth.
In the Name of Jesus, AMEN.